Compilation of Qt5 Cygwin in Qt Creator

Brian Inglis
Sun Jul 28 15:02:00 GMT 2019

On 2019-07-27 05:39, Jean Vanhay wrote:
> I have some issues about Cygwin Qt5 and Qt Creator on Windows 10.
> I have a computer running on Windows 10 and a Qt versions Qt 5.11.2 MinGW 32
> bits and Qt Creator 4.7.2.
> I have a project where it is required to develop under a Cygwin environment.

Do you also have to build under and for the Cygwin environment, and run under

You could run your existing Ubuntu code under WSL displaying on Cygwin/X.

> After install cygwin, I was hoping cygwin Qt Versions can be integrated to the
> Qt Creator IDE on Windows 10. But for some reason, I never succed to install it.
> If I try to install Qt Versions from Cygwin 64, on Qt Creator I have this message :
> -> Qt Creator -> Options -> Kits -> Qt Versions -> Add...
> qmake C:\cygwin64\lib\qt5\bin\qmake.exe could not be added
> "C:\cygwin64\lib\qt5\bin\qmake.exe" crashed.
> I can add compiler / debugger but the environment to develop is not correct
> because of the qmake crashed.

Think of Cygwin as another Unix distro rather than a Windows environment.
It's easy to port many Linux and X11 applications to Cygwin and Cygwin/X.
It's major work to port any Windows app to Cygwin or any other Unix distro.
Just pretend you're working under a strange Unix distro (like SuSE) ;^>

> The other cygwin environment that I want to use comes from SysGo/ElinOS. I have
> open a topic on the Qt Forum :
> If I do the same step than cygwin64, the error message is completely different :
> cannot read
> /opt/elinos-6.2/cdk/x86/x86_64/glibc-2.24/share/qt5/mkspecs/devices/linux-elinos-g++/qmake.conf
> : no such file or directory
> After some research on how to change the qmake -query that Qt Creator do when I
> want to install a Qt versions, i discovered that the problem can maybe come from
> cygwin.
> If I create a qt.conf file. And depending on the path I write
> "/cygdrive/c/sysgo/opt/..." or "C:\sysgo\opt", the Qt Creator send me some
> differents messages.
> When I write "/cygdrive/c/..." => Qt Creator write the full path as cygwin path.
> When I write "C: \"                    => Qt Creator get back the "default" path.
> I hope the background is a little clear... In both way my questions is :
> - How to install cygwin64 Qt 5 on Qt Creator Windows version ?

You would have to port Qt Creator to run under Cygwin/X, as has been done with
Qt Designer and the other QT tools.

> - Is it possible to "custom" "hardcoded" path in cygwin to have a full path from
> root C:\ ?

You should be able to build Qt Creator to run under Cygwin/X, using the cygport
utility to make it easier to reproduce a Unix package build under Cygwin.

If sources are available on any of the standard mirrors, and build using any of
the standard tool chains, the effort required can be minimal, once you
understand how to get cygport to do your work for you. That's how Cygwin
volunteers are able to support 11270 packages on two architectures in their
spare time.

There are 96 qt5 support and 34 library packages available under Cygwin, but
only for 5.9 currently, and only clang/llvm 5 as yet. You may be able to build
the newer versions if required by starting from the current Cygwin packages and
sources, and using those as bases for building the newer versions from newer

You would need to install the Cygwin/X server, tools, and development
packages for X and Qt, and any build dependencies, as you would under Linux.
The Cygwin package names may differ somewhat from the Linux package names e.g.
qt5-declarative-tools, qt5-devel-tools, qt5-doc-tools, qt5-linguist-tools,
although not all required packages or libraries may have been ported to Cygwin yet.

Porting Linux packages to Cygwin using cygport involves installing the cygport
package, any of your package build dependencies, defining the package name and
version and where to download the sources (many mirrors are supported) in a
PACKAGE.cygport file, running "$ cygport PACKAGE.cygport download all test", and
fixing any build or test issues, as you would on Linux.

You could download the sources for the qt5-...-tools packages and use those
PACKAGE.cygport files as models for one for Qt Creator.

Once cygport builds your Cygwin package, you can install your build using:
$ tar -xvf PACKAGE-V.V-1.x86_64/dist/PACKAGE/PACKAGE-V.V-1.tar.xz -C /
or submit it for inclusion in the Cygwin repo, so it can be installed using
Cygwin setup by anyone, anywhere.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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