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Re: spawn - where can I get it

On Wed, 4 Apr 2018, Mark A. Engel wrote:
Thanks but I get the "Address not found" screen. Also it looks like that is rehat site. I am running cygwin64 on my Windows 10 laptop, so will this run in cygwin or do I need some other site. Either case - address not found.

Victor Corral wrote:
you have to connet to

On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, Mark A. Engel <> wrote:

cygwin team,
I am trying to install cross compiler to cygwin environment.  The build
stops when it can't find the "spawn" command.  I tried to download it with
the cygwin64_setup tool.  I can't find it there and nowhere in the
internet.  Do you have any idea where I might get/download the spawn
command for cygwing64?u

(1) Please don't start new email threads by replying to an unrelated email. Start with a new email to the correct list.

(2) This is not the correct list for your question. It should have been sent to I'm CCing that list so this query can be continued there.

(3) It's not clear from your email if you need a 'spawn' command as part of the execution of the build itself, or if one of the source files being built requires a spawn() function which has not been found in an include file.

Could you please reply quoting a few lines around the error in your build log? (But do that on the correct mailing list please.)


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