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RE: inetutils-server, OpenSP and units install glitches and fixes

From: Ian Lambert via cygwin
> ...
> On a related note, using not ancient Red Hat 5.6 where the mirror is
> stored, tar won't expand the Cygwin packages?
> $ tar -xvf units-2.13-1.tar.xz
> tar: This does not look like a tar archive
> tar: Skipping to next header
> tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
> tar: Read 9640 bytes from units-2.13-1.tar.xz
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
> $ tar --version
> tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1
> but tar Packaged by Cygwin (1.29-1) will.

I believe you need to tell tar if the file is in a compressed
format. Not sure if your version takes the same options as
Cygwin's tar 1.29, but there you would want to say (I suspect):

$ tar -xvjf units-2.13-1.tar.xz

--Ken Nellis

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