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Re: "man" hangs attempting to access UNC paths

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:23:35AM -0700, joeking wrote:
> When I try using "man", it hangs for a long time.
> From PROCMON, I see that MAN.exe is accessing
> \\man\PIPE\wkssvc - failed with BAD NETWORK PATH - about 3 seconds.
> Then
> \\share\man\ - failed with BAD NETWORK PATH - about 75 seconds to fail.
> It also tries \\.\.\ several times, and \\.\.\man once.
> "man -d" doesn't seem to indicate anything odd.
> Is there some special reconfiguring needed?
> This is Cygwin64 and Cygwin32 on Windows 7.

Works just fine for me.  Can you have a read of the problem reporting
guidelines and, in particular, provide a cygcheck.out file?

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