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Re: font encodings dirs ?

On 2016-04-18 04:44, Marco Atzeri wrote:
I rebuilt plotutils, and now there is no postinstall script,
however it seems the tekfont*.pcf fonts are not recognized
by fontconfig.

That is to be expected; fontconfig disables bitmap fonts by default. More importantly, plotutils does not have a dependency on libfontconfig1 or libXft2, which means it uses these as core fonts. How those are installed also changed at the same time.

How should I manage the postintall for this font ?

Make sure you have mkfontdir and mkfontscale, then in src_install:

	fontinto tektronix
	dofont pcf/*.pcf

	dodir /etc/X11/fontpath.d
	dosym /usr/share/fonts/tektronix /etc/X11/fontpath.d/tektronix:unscaled

There will be no postinstall for the fonts.


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