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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: XtoW 20160323-1 (experimental)

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** XtoW-20160323-1

xtow is a window manager using the libxcwm library, which is:

* native: it integrates with native window management by putting each top-level X window in it's own Windows window (similar to XWin -multiwindow)

* compositing: X windows with per-pixel alpha are composited into the native DWM desktop on Windows Vista and later (e.g. a native window can be seen through a semi-transparent X window placed over it)

XtoW is still experimental, but should now be usable enough for doing some actual work. Testing and problem reports are appreciated.

Changes since 20130802-3:

* Fix transparent windows on Windows 10, copying the approach from [1]. Unfortunately, making this work on Windows 8.1 without 3rd party software seems near impossible.

Changes since 20130802-2:

* Rewrite startxtow to use python rather than perl to find the virtual desktop size, since perl-Win32-GUI is no longer packaged
* Add xwin-xdg-menu, so there is some means to launch things and exit
* Fix start menu item to use "(32-bit)" on WoW64, and have the correct icon
* Include postinstall and preremove scripts to add and remove start menu item in the package


76307a372ad434be075895ca62acf7ecebcb4668d7dc57026acb5831875deab040764b668a33c8f493cf415341c3cbead3579f3274c93a1bd9c9facd4137cbee *XtoW-20160323-1-src.tar.xz f03d398e15effe5b6fc391185d43fab80e27bb69e941557618db93a33c1b914139fe2ef8720eb84483e0a27dfddea7975ce1f0ffcf30c0e189dea5b6f688b32b *XtoW-20160323-1.tar.xz 9fb3c2b8aff90024903816efbaaaabb1ffb028150a6526d25dea8ec2a2438da246dce2ddd7e8b114dbaa1994176a4c0d1a85046482431141ed40aaba99576fac *XtoW-debuginfo-20160323-1.tar.xz

36462eca9696d88b8a90404aaef86f493d5214aed1dba707ddb1ed89b29d4b81d3fca21b0a5612b92094ef13013c6593aa5121c4fc5a5f6cf915fbc994a51c37 *XtoW-20160323-1-src.tar.xz 4b289dd40946d5fd12b8b5678a85d76a55f63d7ef3b7535c926c4ce2e413f2cca3609ee84e9f2149fc1233935a7c249430549c3fce04a3983341759fcaad6161 *XtoW-20160323-1.tar.xz 27089a964ac0e2c5551e2525b45c9adb2d9fa2bd583b16d2cdf62db91b60b0e182329537974bcdfa3e9a0daf20e420edd149a051145d3e2f10fa18bd57246ca4 *XtoW-debuginfo-20160323-1.tar.xz

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