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Re: Xorg server 1.7.1 spontaneously exiting with clipboard message

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 7:05 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:

> If this happens again, can you show me the ~/.xsession-errors file as well?

I am waiting for it to happen again, but in a situation where I could
remember what led up to it.

> Do you have a ~/.startxwinrc?  What are it's contents?

My ~/.startxwinrc *had* been linked to the default one.  I was trying
to avoid the "fbinit" (?) icon/program from starting.  Currently, my
.startxwinrc contains only these two lines:

   xrdb .Xresources
   sleep infinity

For some reason, my X resources file is not being read without
explicitly running xrdb.  Not the case on my work laptop.

> Do you think this is perhaps associated with the unattended machine turning
> off the monitor? Or going into sleep/hibernate?

The machine does not go into sleep/hibernate.  It *could* be the
monitor.  I'm using the embedded Intel 4600 graphics with the latest
Intel driver, and the monitor does power off after about 1/2 hour or
so.  At first I thought it might be related to a remote login from
TeamViewer.  I'll try to remember what led up to the next crash,
when/if it happens.

- Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,

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