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Re: Too Many Permissions Stripped In 1.7.35?

The changes regarding the user SID = group SID case look generally good
to me.
Thanks for considering the idea.

I do wonder if it is best that the Everyone privileges would "leak" into the
group permission mode/mask tho, either at the Posix or ACL levels.  They
seem to for user SID != group SID, for those the oddball cases where
has privileges the owner or group does not get a DENY in their ACL.

Perhaps more importantly than that topic: I've noticed what seems a new
issue in
the behavior of the user SID != group SID case:

rm x
touch x        # umask = 0077, user SID != primary group SID
chmod 750 x
chmod -x x  # gets chmod: x: new permissions are rw-r-x---, not rw-r-----

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