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Re: Cygwin 1.7.31 imminent: Please test latest developer snapshot

Greetings, Joel Johnson!

> Perhaps I've missed it in searching through the recent archive, but
> what's the status and release plan for the new passwd/group AD/SAM 
> integration changes that were previously discussed?

Missed. They are still in the works, release postponed.
Corinna works around some edge cases ATM, if I understand it right.

> That topic seems to be calm lately with snapshot testing. I'm waiting with
> baited breath to get that change in a release to ease some integration
> wrinkles we're having.

I'm using snapshots with AD integration, and they are a wonder to have...
Everything works so much faster. :P

Andrey Repin ( 20.07.2014, <03:17>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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