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Re: snapshots dated 20140210 fail

On 2/10/2014 15:53, Denis Excoffier wrote:

I can see another one, dated 22:17:21 UTC. Same problem as for the
3rd and 4th: windows complaint that this is not a windows image.


Using my new friend, objdump -x, I get an interesting complaint about the snapshot DLL:

"There is an import table, but the section containing it could not be found"

(This after sending the objdump -x for both DLLs (1.7.28-1 and 20140210@221721) to separate output files and diffing them.)

objdump does claim the snapshot is a 32-bit DLL, so it isn't a case of accidentally using the 64-bit DLL.

I did make sure to "chmod +x cygwin1.dll" before attempting to relaunch my cygwin32 environment.

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