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Re: cygwin-apps is bouncing my mail

On 1/4/2014 5:42 AM, Erwin Waterlander wrote:

I try to send messages to cygwin-apps, but they bounce back with a failure.
Is there something wrong?

If you're getting bounced email when you send to this list, you should first
look at the bounce email message closely.  It should explain why the email
is bouncing and possible remedies.  For example, it may say that you aren't
subscribed to the list (see for a summary of
Cygwin lists, their charter and requirements).  If you still find yourself
in a quandary as to why your email is bouncing after reviewing your options,
please send any follow-up inquiry to  Sending
pleas to this list is really regarded as spam since you're appealing to a
large group of people that really can't resolve your problem for you even
if they wanted to.  That's up to you and, possibly, sourcemaster.  The link
above describing the Cygwin mail lists explains all this so do take a
look at it if you need more details.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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