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Re: setting up sshd on windows 7

On 8/23/2013 11:42 AM, Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:
So i ran sshd by hand, which gave me an obnoxious error about
/var/empty not being owned by root.  turns out it just needs to be
owned by the user running sshd.

after i was able to run it by hand with -d, i saw an error that
/bin/bash is not executable for my user.  I was able to fix this by
giving Everyone rwx access on my cygwin installation folder.

Because 'sshd' is finicky about permissions, doing this may well
have removed your ability to run 'sshd' as a service under the
default service user 'cyg_server'.  With that would also come the
loss of the ability to login with public key authentication.  If
any of this is important to you, you need to restore the previous



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