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Re: Cannot build debug/-Zi using VS 2010 SP1 via ssh with public key auth from local administrator account

On 7/26/2013 4:22 PM, J. P. Abelanet wrote:

On Jul 26, 2013, at 12:51 PM, J. P. Abelanet <> wrote:

I've since tried the following:
- running ssh-host-config on (a) and rebooting, with no effect
- completely removing CYGWIN and all traces of sshd
( and reinstalling on
(a), with no effect

We discourage people from following Cygwin advice from ad-hoc sites.  In
this case, it provides a synopsis of how to do this and then points to a
link in the Cygwin FAQ from where the synopsis came.  Two things should
make anyone think twice about the information at this site:

1. It points to the Cygwin FAQ as the source.
2. The link to the Cygwin FAQ is broken.

Thanks for the warning - I'll try to be more diligent in the future.

- completely removing VS 2010 and all related packages (I think), and
trying to build using the untouched version of VS 2008 I had previously been
using, and now building debug across CYGWIN/ssh/pub key with VS 2008 fails
as well

Yeah, that of course assumes that the uninstall undid all that the install
did.  There's not a good way to verify that.  If you can narrow down the
time-frame (with the Cygwin Time Machine for example - Google it) when you
see the problem appear, that could help find a solution, assuming you're
still seeing the problem with 1.7.22.

Understood.  And yes, the problem still occurs with 1.7.22.

As I mentioned originally, I'm using a local (non-domain) account,
and it has administrator privileges.  What is the fundamental difference between
public key authentication and password authentication in this context?

Here is the source of the problem, and I'm virtually certain that these problems occurred
as a result of running setup.exe on the two machines as part of the upgrade
(note that I did not, for various reasons, run setup.exe on the two machines that still work).
Here are the USER* variables on machines (a) and (b), the two problem machines,
when logging in via ssh/pub key:

How did you install?  Did you pick "Just For Me" or "All Users".  The
latter is required for pubkey authentication.  You can also check if
password authentication resolves the problem.

If none of the solutions/suggestions/diagnostics offered so far resolve
the problem, may I suggest that you read and follow the problem reporting guidelines found at the link below with any follow-up?




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