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broke my perlbrewed perl with rebase

I made a perl to test some stuff with perlbrew, a 5.12.0.

I installed some CPAN modules into it, then I needed to rebase because
of mapping errors.

I made a copy of perlrebase and modified it thusly:



perl=`which perl`

dll=$(ldd $perl | $perl -anle 'print $F[2] if /cygperl/')

echo $dll >> rebase.lst
/usr/bin/find ~/perl5 -name \*.dll >> rebase.lst
/usr/bin/cat rebase.lst | /usr/bin/xargs chmod ug+w
[ -e /usr/bin/peflags.exe ] && /usr/bin/peflags -t $perl
/usr/bin/rebase -v -b $baseaddr -T rebase.lst
[ -e /usr/bin/peflags.exe ] && /usr/bin/grep \.dll rebase.lst \
	| /usr/bin/peflags -d0 -T - >/dev/null

perlbrew puts its stuff into ~/perl5/perlbrew

I ran this script, and now my perlbrewed perl no longer works at all. It
exits immediately when I run it, not even perl -v works.

This is what I see in gdb `which perl` after doing a run:
Starting program:
[New Thread 8156.0x9ec]
[Inferior 1 (process 8156) exited with code 030000000005]

The perlbrew command I used was:
perlbrew install -n -j 3 perl-5.12.0 -D DEBUGGING -D optimize="-ggdb3"
-D usethreads

Did I do something wrong with rebase here?

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