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Re: plotting from octave: address space already occupied, fork aborts

Marco atzeri <marco.atzeri <at>> writes:
>On 9/14/2011 2:22 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>> On 14/09/2011 1:43 AM, Marco atzeri wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> your problem is a new one 
>>> max.oct is a dll of octave, and its base address is not 004F0000
>>> $ objdump -p /lib/octave/3.4.2/oct/i686-pc-cygwin/max.oct |grep ImageBase
>>> ImageBase 686c0000
>>> I guess that another dll is loaded at 686c0000, so max.oct
>>> is loaded too near at 004000000, the base address of any exe
>>> $ objdump -p /bin/gnuplot.exe |grep ImageBase
>>> ImageBase 00400000
>>> $ objdump -p /bin/octave-3.4.2.exe |grep ImageBase
>>> ImageBase 00400000
>>> So when octave fork gnuplot, gnuplot take that address space
>>> and max.oct can not be loaded at the previous 004F0000.
>>> peflagsall is not aware that .oct are also dll, so you could try with
>>> $ peflagsall -s 'exe|dll|so|oct'
>> Wouldn't rebaseall need similar treatment? My understanding from Corinna
>> is that peflagsall is not particularly helpful (though not harmful either).
> Hi Ryan,
> PEBKC on this side.
> I was thinking of rebaseall and writing of peflagsall.
> The right command should be:
> $ rebaseall -s 'dll|so|oct'

Thanks again, Marco.  Unfortunately, still no joy after redoing you
rebaseall & peflagsall statements and rebooting.  I got the same error
as before:

octave:1> plot(1:5,1:5)
      9 [main] octave-3.4.2 5952 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by
      'cellfun.oct' (00570000) is already occupied
error: popen2: process creation failed -- Resource temporarily unavailable
error: called from:
error: /usr/share/octave/3.4.2/m/plot/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m at line 30,
       column 44
error: /usr/share/octave/3.4.2/m/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m at
       line 72, column 19

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