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Re: run.exe 1.1.10: Does not hide cmd window under Windows 7 x64

On 7/20/2011 4:10 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:

run.exe 1.1.10 does not hide cmd window under Windows 7 x64.


Prior to a recent upgrade to Windows 7 x64 I have been using run.exe
to launch svn+ssh commands in Tortoise SVN for years.  After the
upgrade I installed cygwin including openssh and run.exe and noticed
that all commands still execute normally but the command prompt window
is no longer hidden (primary function of run.exe)

Test Case:

Click Start
Cick Run
Type: run.exe ssh<some server>  (assuming you are in cygwin/bin)
Notice window pops up

You may need to reboot. The latest version of run is 1.1.13-1

FWIW, your recipe works the way you want with 1.1.13-1 on my
W7 x64 box.



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