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Re: How is setup.ini generated these days?

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 02:28:00PM +0200, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
>On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 11:20:47PM -0500, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
># On Sat, 2011-04-16 at 21:01 +0200, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
># > I'm trying to make a package server as described on
># >
># > 
># > I've rsynced the complete "release" tree (skipping *-legacy). However,
># > running
># > 
># >   genini release/* > setup.ini
># > 
># > with genini 1.13 from
># >
># > produces a lot of errors and warnings and the resulting setup.ini
># > is much smaller than the official one that comes with rsyncing
># > (300k vs 1300k).
># Many packages are in subdirectories of release.  Try this instead:
># genini --output=setup.ini `find release/ -name setup.hint | sed 's|/setup\.hint$||g'`
>Thanks, and I also found the --recursive option. Now I'm running this:
>  genini --output=setup.ini --recursive --okmissing=source release
>This gets close to 1300k but not quite. There are small differences that
>apparently result from some sort of postprocessing, such as:
> * If a package has no "requires" tag, it gets one with "cygwin"
> * If a "requires:" tag does not include "cygwin" it gets one
>Apart from that many "source", "install" and "version" tags are different.
>What is the script that the official setup.ini is generated with?
>Is this list the right place to ask this? If not, where should I ask?

setup.ini is generated by a program called "upset".  The current sources
are not available to the public since the program is not intended for
"roll-your-own-setup.ini" and the program is not something that I want
to receive patches for or questions about.

Older versions of the program are probably not kicking around out they
are not supported here.

If you want to generate a setup.ini use genini.  If you find bugs, then
proposed patches will be thoughtfully considered as long as they aren't


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