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Re: Cygwin visual brand

Christopher Faylor writes:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:18:28AM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>So my questions remain.  Christopher and Corinna, if you don't think a
>>redesign is a good idea, then please tell us that.
> Since you keep insisting, I'll do my usual WJM dance.  Then everyone can
> disagree, recycle all of the same arguments, and demand another response.
> So far, I have not really cared for either of the proposed redesigns.

IMO that's a perfectly okay answer, even if it isn't perhaps what some
people hoped for.

> I sincerely hate these discussions about what's "best" about something
> visual because it always devolves to self-proclaimed experts voicing
> their opinions and when it comes to subjective things like web-site
> layout everyone can be an expert.

Actually there are objective things as well, based on psychological and
physiological (and yes, even technical) principles.

>  The bottom line for me is that I want
> something that I can maintain


Non-kook (allegedly)

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