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Re: cron visual output looks funny

On 05.05.2010 14:05, Johannes Müller wrote:
On 02.05.2010 17:52, Johannes Müller wrote:
Johannes Müller wrote:

I installed and use cron on windows xp using cygwin. It works fine for
non-GUI applications, but for instance notepad does not seem to start
at all. And a popup-window-script I wrote in python does appear and
react to userinput, but is not displayed correctly, as I can not see a
button on the window (although it fires the associated action, when
being pressed). I configured the cron service to be able to interact
with the desktop and tried to find an answer to my question on the
net/FAQ/Mailinglist but could not find more than the hint to somehow
configure the environment for cron. I set "DISPLAY=:0" as it is
suggested in the ubuntu-wiki to start GUI-apps from cron. I also used
a system-owned-shell to install cron with cron-config, but this did
not seem to work out:
The group membership of your cron table file should be ADMINISTRATORS.
Here is your cron table file listing:
-rw-r----- 1 SYSTEM Administratoren 332 2010-05-02 14:05
This rule does not apply if the daemon runs with nontsec.
You can change the group membership setting with:
chgrp 0 /var/cron/tabs/SYSTEM
Please change your cron table's group membership.
So my question is, how do I configure cygwin and cron, so that cron
can start and display GUI-applications correctly?

Sorry if I understood something wrong and annoy you, but I am new to
cygwin and cron and I really tried to solve the problem by myself for
quite some time.

I appreciate your help,
Johannes Müller

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I included the cronbug.txt if this is of any help.

Johannes Müller

Hi again,

Sorry for the flooding, I thought Attachments would be viewed as Links
to the file rather than plain text.
I could still not figure out the problem.
I tried to work around the problem by starting the GUI-program with
nohub, but nothing changes.
I hope you can give me a hint, since I am pretty clueless at the moment.


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I reinstalled cygwin and cron still does not show the GUI-applications correctly. I noticed that notepad is started, but not shown at all. It is just visible as a process in Taskmanager. To get a better understanding of what I mean with the strange look I attach a picture of several Windows opened by cron. The size of those windows is correct and I can also click on the button, which I know there is and by clicking it the window closes. But no text is shown on the button like "ok". I use those windows as message boxes.


Attachment: Unbenannt.bmp
Description: Windows bitmap

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