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Re: spaces in title of mintty command

Roe, Kevin L.:
> I have been trying to get the title for mintty to work.
> Specifically, I want a title with spaces.
> I have tried:
> mintty -t one two   Âresult: Âobviously didn't work. ÂIt bombed.

Because 'one' is takes as the title, and 'two' as a command to execute.

> mintty -t "one two" Â Âresult: Âno title
> mintty -t 'one two' Â Âresult: Âno title

Works fine for me. Please note that bash's default prompt (i.e. the
PS1 variable) sets the terminal title to the current working
directory, thus overwriting anything you set with the -t option.

> mintty -t `one two` Â Âresult: ÂSame as no quotes

Because that tries to run 'one' as a command.


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