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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: dash-; Obsolete: ash

Eric Blake wrote:
According to Edward Lam on 1/21/2010 7:12 AM:
DOS file paths and dash seems to NOT support them

Huh? Give an example. dash supports DOS paths the same as bash. That is, if the : doesn't already cause other problems (as in tar), then the DOS path is handed on to native windows (and you get the nodosfiles warning from cygwin1.dll on the first use).

Sorry for the slow reply on this one as I had just given up and gone from sh to bash. Here's a reproducible case (starting with bash as the initial shell).

$ cygcheck -c cygwin dash bash
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
bash                 3.2.49-23      OK
cygwin               1.7.1-1        OK
dash             OK
$ echo $CYGWIN
$ bash
$ cd c:/
$ pwd
$ export FOO=c:/windows
$ cd $FOO
$ pwd
$ cd c:/
$ pwd
$ dash
$ export FOO=c:/windows
$ cd $FOO
cd: 2: can't cd to c:/windows
$ exit

We rely on being able to perform "cd $FOO" where FOO is a DOS file path and this used to work in the old ash.


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