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Re: question about cygwin package

I have a last question that might reminds you something (at least I hope
and unfortunately that is beyond this mailing list but I chance it
I am working on a msys/mingw installer(EasyMingw) where instead of the
default crappy
toolchain(very personal opinion I encourage you to make yours) I am
integrating mingw-w64 toolchain(32 and 64 bit).
I have one issue about mount point and since msys and cygwin have the same
ancestor maybe you know what is wrong.
So I have adopted the following tree hierarchy :


/mingw{32,64} holds all the "mingw" packages since it's better(not
mandatory) to separate msys from mingw
and I have declared mount points like this :

C:/Developer/EasyMingw/etc /mingw32/etc
C:/Developer/EasyMingw/mingw32/bin   /mingw32/usr/bin
C:/Developer/EasyMingw/mingw32/lib   /mingw32/usr/lib

So following cygwin logic I made my package inside usr folder, however I 
have one issue with gcc because I get 
$ gcc test.c
gcc.exe: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

If instead of putting gcc files inside a usr folder I put it directly the
archive root it works fine.
If you remember that kind of issue, please let me know.

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