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Keybindings in rxvt running tcsh get overwritten during startup

I'm afraid I'm having some trouble getting my keybindings to work under tcsh
running under rxvt.  When I run them from the command line, they work fine, but
when I put them in one of my dot files, which get sourced during startup, they
don't work.  Here's what I've got in a file I created (called .tcshkeybindings)
that I source from my .tcshrc file:

echo "Running .tcshkeybindings"
bindkey "^[[B" "history-search-forward"
bindkey "^[[A" "history-search-backward"

This allows me to auto-complete a previously entered command by typing a few
characters, then hitting the up-arrow - very convenient.

If I type 'source .tcshkeybindings' at the command line, everything also works
A-OK.  During startup though, somewhere along the way, the keybindings get reset
to their original values (e.g. "^[[A" -> up-history).

Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks a lot!

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