1.7 preallocate issue?

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Fri Nov 14 10:35:00 GMT 2008

On Nov 13 14:58, Rob Bosch wrote:
> We still get these issues when preallocating large file on our SAN.  It only
> occurs when preallocating (posix_fallocate) files that are 20GB+ in size.
> I'll try to get a trace but this will be difficult to replicating I think.
> Is there any other information I can try to capture?

It shouldn't be hard to replicate if you modify the rsync statement to
rsync only one such file.  The strace would be interesting in the first
place.  You should get an error code from a function called

A little detail.  The posix_fallocate function is in the core the same
function as the good old truncate/ftruncate functionality.  They are
calling the same underlying OS functions, with two exceptions:

- posix_fallocate never shrinks files
- posix_fallocate never creates sparse files.

So actually the posix_fallocate is even simpler than ftruncate and
consists of just two OS calls, the first to determine the current file
size and the second to set the requested file size if it's more than
the current file size.  That's all.

- Are you perhaps really out of space?
- Are quotas enabled on the target filesystem and you're hitting your
- Is the fiber array a local FS or a remote FS?  NTFS/FAT32?  
  If you don't find any other reason, we would have to check if
  there are some OS or FS restrictions.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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