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[1.7] Question: how to contrive "mount -c /"

Here on XP on a domestic machine I have experienced no problems with standard activities.
1.7 seems to install very many fewer .bz2 than 1.5 does (I mean, 00s fewer) but ends up 2GB bigger. What's that about?!
As we have been warned, mount in 1.7 behaves very differently from 1.5 (and I think it'll turn out to be quite convenient) ... BUT:
In 1.5 I can put
mount -c /
in a startup script. Try as I might I have been unable to contrive changing the cygwin path prefix in the same way in 1.7 with various attempts at a line in /etc/fstab such as
none /c cygdrive binary 0 0
none / cygdrive binary 0 0
(both wrong, though "mount -m" after "mount -c /" at the keyboard suggests the former should work although I don't understand the c in /c) ; and so in order to contrive this path prefix I always have to start each session with an explicit
mount -c /
typed to the keyboard.
Can you tell me whether this can be initiated in /etc/fstab and if so how, please?
Thank you.

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