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gdb is sooooo slow - is that normal?

I use an IDE called CodeBlocks to build and debug my Cygwin projects.  The
builds usually go okay but debugging is horrendously slow.  CodeBlocks has
a debugger output window which typically shows output like this (I assume
this is either what's being sent to gdb or what's getting returned) -

This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-cygwin".
set confirm off
set width 0
set height 0
set breakpoint pending on
set print asm-demangle on

That shows 5 stages out of maybe 20 or so that seem to run before my own app appears on screen. The problem is that each of those stages can take anywhere from about 6 seconds up to 15 seconds (taking longer, the more breakpoints I've set). Therefore after starting the debug process, it can take between 2 minutes and maybe 6 minutes before my app gets launched. Is this normal for Cygwin? The more complex the app, the worse the problem is. If I set more than about 5 breakpoints with a complicated app, the debugger takes so long to get going that it becomes not worth waiting. Does anyone else find this? I'd like to find out whether it's a problem with Cygwin or with CodeBlocks.



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