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Re: Execute permission not set when creating files

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 09:55:08PM -0000, John Cooper wrote:
>I've just upgraded to the latest version of Cygwin (1.5.25-15) and found
>that the execute bit is not getting set when I create files:
>$ umask 'u=rwx,g=r,o=r'
>$ touch a
>$ ls -l a
>-rw-r--r-- 1 John None 0 Oct 28 21:42 a
>(the execute permission also doesn't get set when I use the default umask
>The resulting problem is that any files I create cannot be accessed when I
>log in using my wife's login account.
>Such files used to be accessible from my wife's account when I used an
>earlier version of Cygwin (probably from around 1-2 years ago). 
>Any ideas how to fix this?  I've attached the output of `cygcheck -s -v' in
>case that helps.

Are you sure you're using the cygwin version of all utilities?  You seem to
have some duplication between c:\cygwin\bin and c:\bin.  So I'm wondering if
you have another version of touch somewhere.


>Found: c:\bin\ls.exe
>Warning: c:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe hides c:\bin\ls.exe

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