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Re: CSIH patch (Re: Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED])

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
We can require Administrators (-544) in /etc/group, and SYSTEM (-18) in both /etc/group and /etc/passwd, right?

Yes. I'm just wondering if we shouldn't check for the Admins group only. The token of the SYSTEM user always contains the Admins group and the cyg_server (or whatever the name is) user is always (and should always) be created as member of the admins group, too. So, if I didn't miss anything important, the check could be reduced to checking for the admins group permissions. Does that make sense?

It makes sense -- if the following assertion is true for NT/2k/XP, as well as more modern versions of Windows, for both cygwin-1.5 and cygwin-1.7:

Admins group access to a file (-...[rwx]... as specified by $2 if group ownership of the file is Administrators, or a sufficient group token in the extended ACLs is present as determined by getfacl) is necessary and sufficient for the SYSTEM user (and/or the special privileged user) to access the file, regardless of the file's actual owner.


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