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1.5.24-2: pthreads rwlock recursive acquisition failing


I'm trying to develop a program that uses pthreads and needs to recursively acquire RO rwlocks and RW rwlocks. I'm not upgrading or trying to acquire an RO lock after an RW lock has been acquired, yet pthread_rwlock_rdlock() keeps returning EDEADLK. I have tested the attached test program (includes at top modified slightly) on Ubuntu Linux and it has no recursion problem.

I'm using Windows Vista (copied cygwin dir from a valid XP install), but my friend can reproduce the problem on his Windows XP machine just as reliably.

I've attached an application that demonstrates this bug. You can build it with: gcc -o cygwin-pthread-bug.exe cygwin-pthread-bug.c

Much less importantly, pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(&lkattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) is failing as well. See the attached cygwin-pthread-bug.c for details.

Please help! Thanks for your time.

- Gabriel Landau

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