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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: vim-7.0.122-1

At 11-10-2006 18:06, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Oct 11 17:56, Frank Fesevur wrote:
At 10-10-2006 10:34, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I have updated the version of vim on to 7.0.122-1.

This is an update to the latest patchlevel 122. Cygwin Vim still builds
>from the vanilla sources.

I'm still having problems editing /etc/hosts. Also see my earlier report in

It probably is because /etc/hosts is a symlink. It is not a major problem, but a but annoying.

In my case it's a symlink, too and I don't have problems editing it. The "Cannot create swap file" message is often an indicator that the directory in which vim tries to write the swap file is read-only. See ":help directory" and ":set dir". Note especially the meaning of the single dot path "." in this variable.

Look at the archives again. For some reason this reply was not linked to my original post:

I've tried his test case and Mark is right. When a symlink is created with a win32 path, vim can not create the swapfile. When a symlink is created with POSIX filenames there is no problem.


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