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Re: copying and pasting in the terminal window?

--On 24 August 2006 10:39 -0700 Eric Hanchrow wrote:

    Igor> FWIW, my main gripe with Console is that it doesn't
    Igor> understand line wrapping, so cutting and pasting a line that
    Igor> wraps multiple times results in multiple lines.

Yup.  And as far as I know, there's no way to tell the console "please
save the accumulated scrollback into a file".  But then I don't think
rxvt can do that either :-)

You can select all the available scrolled text with both Console and rxvt (Console scrolls when you drag off the top/bottom and extends the selection, rxvt extends the selection with a right mouse click so you can select, scroll, right click).

Once you have copied it all, "cat >somefile" then paste, CR ^D will get it into a file. Perhaps not quite as simple as having a 'save' option, but not too hard to do.

If you are using rxvt, long lines that wrapped on display will be long lines in the file, With Console, there will be line breaks wherever it wrapped.

In the context of copying and pasting in a window, I find rxvt far superior to Console because of the way it handles long lines (as well copying/pasting the way X does without requiring that X be running).

Owen Rees
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK

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