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SOLVED: sshd+ssh localhost connects, but don't reach the shell

Korn, Hall and Berber,

I'd really like to thank you for all your support tracing my problem. I've uninstalled ZoneAlarm and everything works fine now.

Complete product description follows: ZoneAlarm Security Suite, version 6.1.744.001. Last year I was using an older version and had no problems, so I think the problem is caused by some new "feature" or so.

Also, this is not the newest version, so things may have been corrected. I'll see if there is a trial version around.

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
FWIW, ZA has caused all sorts of problems for Cygwin-X. There haven't been the reports of problems with just ssh, but there's always a first time.

Larry, you can add Cygwin's sshd to the ZoneAlarm's blacklist. Indeed, there's always a first time. :-(

Again, thans for all your preceless help and time.

Best regards,
Vilar Camara Neto

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