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Re: rvxt-20050409-1 console problem [SUMMARY]

Charles Wilson wrote:
I'm leaning toward this solution, in a more generic sense, like:
   "gui-switcher.exe --config=/etc/rxvt-selector.conf"

It'll go into the checkX package since it'll leverage a lot of the same code. And that's why I need to track down these issues with rxvt-unicode-X+run+loginShell...'cause if they are not solved with run.exe, they'll show up again with gui-switcher.exe.

I know this isn't an "ideal" solution, but have you considered fork()ing and exec()ing 'checkX' and using wait() to get the return code? That would require your app to have checkX installed but would avoid duplicating the code and/or having to library-ize it (i.e. would be faster to implement).

OTOH a lib (or static lib) is generally not a bad idea.

Hey, buddy, if it's OT, TITTTL!

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