popularity-contest for Cygwin?

Shankar Unni shankarunni@netscape.net
Fri Sep 30 20:00:00 GMT 2005

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> We already have such a tool.  It's called "cygcheck".  When people post
> their cygcheck output to the list, it also contains the list of packages
> they installed.

But not what they are *using*, which seems to be the big thing in 

Given that disks are cheap these days, and time is expensive, and 
setup.exe is (as always :-) ) mind-numbing, most users I know just 
install "All" from the top level, always.  Saves a lot of setup-package 
searching later..

But ah, if we could figure out which packages are being *used*, that 
would be fantastic..

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