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Re: rxvt/bash immediately exits

On 9/17/05, Eric Blake <> wrote:
>> Cygwin has been working fine for about a year, until a few days ago
>> when I started seeing this problem. When I run rxvt -e bash (or bash
>> --login -i, or sh, or anything at all), rxvt appears for about 0.1
>> seconds and then immediately exits (the process disappears). However,
>> running bash from cmd/explorer or rxvt without arguments (defaults to
>> sh) works fine. Please help, thanks in advance!
> Please help us help you:
>> Problem reports:
> Did you recently upgrade?  Without details, no one here knows what
> you might have done that is the cause of the crash.

No, I haven't upgraded. I installed RealPlayer, the R statistical
system, Kerberos for Windows, and KLP (for Kerberos printing), but I
doubt those are related to the issue, and I also need this software
more than I need bash to directly work in rxvt.

I usually just use a shortcut to a script that runs "rxvt -e bash
--login -i". I can't think of any way other than using the -e argument
to directly run bash in rxvt. Any workarounds would also be

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