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Re: xmkmf resuling in bad search path for std includes?

According to Larry Hall on 8/30/2005:

> According to Thomas Chadwick on 8/30/2005:

>> .....
>> I'm running into trouble at the "make depend" point in the
>> process.  It's not finding a couple of include files. Here's an example
>> message:

>> makedepend: warning: x2x.c (reading /usr/include/sys/unistd.h, line
>> 13): cannot find include file "stddef.h"
>> not in /usr/X11R6/include/stddef.h
>> not in /usr/local/lib/gcc-include/stddef.h
>> not in /usr/include/stddef.h
>> not in /usr/include/w32api/stddef.h
>> not in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h
>> ....
>> As I see it, either xmkmf is setting up the wrong search path, or
>> something is wrong with my gcc installation (since make depend is
>> looking in 3.3.3/include but the files are located in 3.4.4/include). 
> Sounds like the latter.  You'll need to get rid of all references to
> 3.3.3.

I have got similar warnings building CERNLIB with g77 and other
applications that seem to work, i.e. I have ignored these warnings.

With GCC 3.4.4 on cygwin there is no 3.4.4 version for GPC, the Pascal
compiler, so when one upgrades from 3.3.3 to 3.4.4 in cygwin remains the
referenfes to gcc 3.3.3 regarding GPC pakages 3.3.3
(for example /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/ which contains
gpcpp.exe, gpc1.exe, include/ etc.).

>From the mailing list seems that there is some incompatibility between GPC
3.3.3 and GCC(gcc, g++, g77...) 3.4.4, so that if one should work with
GPC, one must stay with 3.3.3 and not upgrades to 3.4.4.

Does this mean that if one does not use gpc one should unistall GPC 3.3.3
when upgrading to GCC 3.4.4?

Best regards,


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