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Re: Cygwin and firewalls

I am wondering if there is a firewall that coexists with Cygwin well.
IIRC, there were complaints about Norton software and about some other
firewalls too. What would you recommend me?

I ask because I've never had to use firewall before (my home box is behind
NAT in a secure network) and I have no experience with Windows firewalls.
I've just bought a laptop and a firewall seems to be necessary in this

If you just have purchased it, it has probably Windows XP installed. Why not just use the system firewall which is part of XP SP2? It's fairly simple to use and I had no trouble using it with Cygwin, so far. It's at least good for a start and it doesn't cost anything extra.

Windows XP SP2 firewall is very good and should not interfere with Cygwin.

I have also been using Norton Internet Security firewall also with no problems with Cygwin.


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