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Re: "ls" finds file1 but "ls file1" does not

> $ echo ignoring:$GLOBIGNORE options:$-
> ignoring: options:himBH
> $ shopt |grep glob
> dotglob         off
> extglob         off
> nocaseglob      off
> nullglob        off

OK, bash is not filtering the glob.  But you are obviously using an alias or function for ls, since it is acting like the -F option is implicitly applied (seeing the * at the end of your files).  So next, check:

$ type ls
$ alias ls

Maybe you have an alias/function for ls that includes the --hide='*.htm' option, so that ls is doing the filtering (and not bash, like I guessed before).  Also, you can escape the program name to overcome the alias - try this:

$ \ls as*

If it still fails, then it is back to permissions problems that are beyond me - your new ACLs don't seem to show any problems.  One last possibility is whether you have a Windows setting that auto-bundles html files into an invisible directory, so that when cygwin tries to list the directory contents, it gets a different list then directly spelling the listed filenames.

> By the way, where can I find documentation for the command
> $ stat -c %A .
> in your first post?  The only "stat" command I can find is a C system call.
> $ stat
> bash: stat: command not found

What version of coreutils are you using?  Attach the output of `cygcheck -svr' as described in, then consider upgrading.  It may also be an old version of cygwin that has since been fixed that is giving you the ls error.  stat(1) is provided by coreutils, as a nice wrapper around the stat(2) system call.  Once you have upgraded, `stat --help' or `info coreutils stat' will tell you more.

Eric Blake

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