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cygwin 5.1 and XP?

I installed CYGWIN_NT-5.1 on Windows XP.  It mostly works, but there are
a few anomalies that bother me.

1. CYGWIN_NT-5.0, which I have installed on my Win 2000 system, displays
the CWD in the title bar.  5.1 does not.  I prefer the 5.0 behavior.

2. Problem with cp utility:
bgold $ cp foo /tmp
cp: Error copying file foo to /tmp: Access is denied.
bgold$ cp foo /tmp/foo
cp: Error copying file foo to /tmp/foo: The system cannot find the path

But vi foo, :w/tmp/foo works

3. Dragging the pointer in 5.0 automatically marks text for copying.  In
5.1 (or maybe in XP) this doesn't work and you have to explicitly select
Edit->Mark before each mark operation.  If this is a cygwin problem vs.
an XP problem, I would like to see a fix.

4. When I bring up a new cygwin window, .bashrc doesn't get run.  I have
to type
". .bashrc".  I have run into this problem on other systems when I had
"installed" cygwin by copying from a CD image of the cygwin directory
from my home system (no net access).

But in *this* case I had gone through the install process and taken all
the defaults, so I would expect it to run my .bashrc.

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