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WinXP Pro and PostgreSQL

I know this has appeared several times on this list, but it never seems to be addressed with perfection...

initializing pg_shadow... FATAL:  /usr/bin/postgres: could not locate postgres executable

... is a bug that appears on WinXP Pro but not on Win2K.  The optimal quick fix is: "chown postgres /usr/bin/postgres.exe" as an administrator and try again.

For the hackers out there, notice that "/usr/bin/postgres -D /somedir" fails with the same error when running as user postgres, but only when the -boot option is removed (a feature in the initdb script, which is indicated by the fact that this error does not appear on previous steps of initdb).

Perhaps the quick fix will lead to some sort of resolution, but it most certainly needs to appear in the Cygwin-README for postgresql!


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