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Re: Problems running Jabberd v1.4.3 under cygwin v1.5.7 (or latest snapshot), and heap allocation error caused by fork()

Hey Chris,

For the record, I tried this. No dice. Tried rebaseall with Cygwin 1.5.7, then with the latest snapshot at the time (20040306), and as I mentioned in my original post, I even used a modified version of rebaseall to rebase the DLLs generated by Jabberd (which are run from their build directories, not /usr/bin, etc.). None of that worked.

I see your name on the list quite a bit, and you seem to be one of the key guys "in the know." Can you possibly explain to me what the error usually indicates? I mean, beyond the rebaseall, what exactly are we talking about? A forked process trying to get loaded into an overlapping spot in memory, something like that? I'm really trying to _understand_ this, as I'd like to get to the bottom of it.

I just looked and noticed that there's another snapshot out there. I'll give that a whack this week, but I won't hold my breath. Like I wrote initially, this same error occurred when I tried this back in Nov2003, and it's still there (across 4+ different versions of Cygwin so far). As no other programs exhibited this issue (I run PostgreSQL under Cygwin quite regularly, for example), I find it hard to believe that rebaseall is the answer to everything. I'd really like to dig a little deeper if anyone can point me in the right direction. I've nailed it down to the fork() call using gdb, but don't really know what I can possibly do at this point. I've kind of hit my current knowledge limit in this area. (But I'm more than willing to expand that if I know where to look. ;-) )

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 01:28:02AM -0500, Frank Seesink wrote:

Basically, no, I haven't been able to reproduce it outside of Jabberd.

Then again, I don't have a lot of custom source to compile/use. My simple test program (the one which loaded a DLL which in turn did a fork()) worked fine, but that was an uber-simple app.

Jabberd fires up multiple threads/processes with more than one fork()/spawn_() call prior to reaching the dnsrv module where the final fork() breaks the camel's back as it were.

For the record, this problem usually indicates the need to run 'rebaseall'.

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