Why do symlinks need to be system files

Mark R. mcr2z@cs.virginia.edu
Tue Jul 1 21:34:00 GMT 2003


I've been busy attempting to use WinInstaller LE to create an MSI package of
cygwin so we can automatically deploy a customized build for our department.
This works for the most part, however when I deploy this to a windows XP
machine, all of the symlinks are broken. Ex/ vi doesn't work, however vim

When I tracked down the problem, it appears that symlinks require the
"system file" attribute to be set. Does anyone know why this is? Windows XP
appears to be removing the System flag on my install.

Has anyone else built an MSI of cygwin using WinInstall LE (the free version
that comes with windows 2000) where the symlinks work successfully when
installed under Windows XP?

-Mark R
University of Virginia

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