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RE: Can't build cygwin from CVS: configure error

Sorry Hannu, I meant to send this to the list instead of you personally.

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Hannu E K Nevalainen wrote:

> $ cvs -z3 co winsup
This gives you everything you need.  I just tested it.

> To get the cvs /src level stuff (configure among other things) I did
> $ cvs -z3 co .
> and then hit CTRL-C when it had arrived... (I guess there is a better way,
> but I didn't bother tonight)
Don't do that.

> ../configure --prefix=/install --enable-debug -v 2>&1 | tee configure.log
That should be --enable--debugging.

> /src/src contains winsup/, newlib/, libiberty/ among other things e.g.
> Makefile and configure.
Should probably be just /src.

> In using the script above, with a /src/src/build as *current* directory, the
> make phase stops as shown below.
Please don't use a subdirectory as a build directory.  If your sources are
in /src, then make your build directory parallel ie. /build.

> ../../../../winsup/mingw/include/sys/types.h:119: error: syntax error before
> "_ssize_t"
> ../../../../winsup/mingw/include/sys/types.h:119: warning: useless keyword
> or type name in empty declaration
> ../../../../winsup/mingw/include/sys/types.h:119: warning: empty declaration
cvs update.  This was recently broken and then fixed IIRC.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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