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RE: cygwin as a replacement for explorer.exe

> > > If you're asking whether you can replace the Explorer desktop,
> taskbar,
> > > and window manager with Cygwin tools/programs, I'm not sure if it's
> > > possible
> >
> > This is one of the goals of the KDE/cygwin project.

I think you and Igor gave a too complicated answer.
The short one is: yes, one can replace the shell=Explorer.exe from [boot] in
system.ini with cygwin application. In fact, I tested it with my favourite
shortcut line that launches rxvt.
So, after the login completed, there was only my background, no desktop, no
bars but only the rxvt window. The problems with this approach are:
1. the application used as shell must also be able to
logoff/shutdown/restart/standby/restart in MS-Dos mode; or a batch file that starts after the (in
my case) rxvt window, the corresponding window dialog.
2. of course that the usual windows task management do work, by starting the
apropriate programs from the new "shell"
3. there are not many graphical cygwin applications in general, so it is
very possible that there are none to be usable as shells
4. (I couldn't try here, I have hot X installed at job but) a startx like
bat line, or a xinit line (for an appropriate xinit configuration) in the above
"shell=" place, could start a X gui, capable to start windows programs also.
No. "1." problem remains, though.


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