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Xterm input problem


I boiled my problem down to the following Fortran test program,
which I always ran in an Xterm under Xwindows and in a cygwin.bat terminal
(without closing X, same behavior unless otherwise noted).
I'm using only default packages of the cygwin 1.3.20 distribution
except for fvwm-themes 0.6.2 and fvwm-2.4.14, which were compiled
from source.

Test program:
      program readtest
      integer i(40000000)
      character*80 process
      read (*,'(a)') process
      write(*,'(a)') process
compiled with 'g77 -g readtest.f'.  With array size 40000000
the program runs as expected, for example:
$ a.exe 
asdf   (<----- this is the user input)

Then, I change 40000000 to 41000000 in the source code
and recompile with 'g77 -g readtest.f'.  Now the executable
does not stop to solicit input, but returns immediately:
$ a.exe 

Having read about stack size problems with large arrays
under Cygwin, I recompile with 'g77 -g -Wl,--stack,0x2000000 readtest.f' 
and run again.  First I run in the Xterm and get:
$ a.exe
fmt: end of file
apparent state: unit 5 (unnamed)
last format: (a)
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
Aborted (core dumped)
Secondly, I run it in the Cygwin terminal, i.e. bash in Win window and
-- surprise -- it runs as expected:
$ a.exe 
asdf   (<----- this is the user input)

Can anybody explain this and suggest a remedy?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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