mcrypt commnad

Michael Schaap
Wed Apr 3 17:21:00 GMT 2002

At 00:21 4-4-2002, Gupta, Sanjay wrote:
>My answer :- As I recall the crypt command in all Unix works the same way

You actually worked with "all Unix"?  Wow!  That's impressive!

>e.g. if I want to encrypt a file, I would use
>crypt crypt_password < file_you_want_to_encrypt > encrypted_file
>and to decrypt file, you would issue command
>crypt crypt_password encrypted_file
>but the same thing does not work in cygwin. The purpose of crypt command in
>cygwin is different than the purpose of crypt command in unix. I have no
>idea why it is different but it is.

On my copy of RedHat 7.1, crypt behaves as follows:

         $ crypt
         bash: crypt: command not found

Please update Cygwin ASAP so that it behaves the same!!!

  - Michael  ;-)

     I always wondered about the meaning of life.   So I looked it
     up in the dictionary under "L" and there it was - the meaning
     of life.  It was not what I expected.                  - Dogbert 

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