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Re: No subjects are nice

[cgf, please don't read this. I can't easily send email privately to this 
bloke tonight or I'd do this off-list. last contrib. by me to this thread]

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 23:35:49 GMT, CBFalconer <> wrote 

> It would be much easier if the various lists were echoed to usenet
> in the first place. 

The various Lists are available at Gmane ( That's how i 
(mostly) read them now. Advantage: most newsreaders (at least a good / 
great one like Xnews) present the threaded discussions in a clear, 
intuitive manner that many email UAs lack. The entire collection of 
articles going back until the day Gmane subscribed to Cygwin is available 
for searching and browsing.

So what you are asking for is materially achieved already. I personally 
have mentioned Gmane so many times on this List that i am getting a bit 
surprised that people aren't getting the message.

FWIW, I myself am opposed to the idea of mirroring this list on USENET. The  
spam harvesters would have a field day and i don't want my address and 
those of my busy, productive friends (like Gerrit, Chuck and Chris et al) 
being abused by those creeps to any greater extent than they already are. 
It's just not worth it IMO.

    Soren A

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