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Re: Initializing and cygwin.bat

>BTW: why is cygwin installed with that batch-file, and why doesn't
>the setup create shortcuts to the command "bash.exe --login" but
>to cygwin.bat?
>Has this been done for some reason?

Some environment settings need to be done before the first Cygwin
process starts, e.g. CYGWIN settings like 'ntsec tty binmode notitle
...'.  'ntsec' is on by default now but you still may also use
others.  You don't need to set them globally in the Windows
environment if you set them in the batch file.  There may be some more
reasons why there is this batch file?  Maybe there were no patches to
change this?
there's also a registry-entry where you can set the "default" values

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options]
"default"="ntsec tty codepage:oem"

Chris was so kind to tell me about it ;-)

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