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Re: Transient fetchmail corruption problem under Windows 2000


On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 11:42:41PM +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Am 7 Aug 2001, um 16:10 hat Jason Tishler geschrieben:
> > [This message was received corrupted...  I have attached it for
> > perusal by the curious.]
> Some more comments:
> I just send a binary to myself via mutt from the commandline here at 
> my win98 box:
> $ mutt -a 037.jpg -s test < test.msg 
> As mailer for mutt i used ssmtp to my default mailhub.
> Guess what, first try a hit, the jpeg is corrupted.
> I looks like yopur attached email, it is ok at the beginning and the 
> rest is garbage...not completely destroyed, but it's no longer a nice 
> picture.
> So it seems to be a problem with mutt or ssmtp (for me now), even on 
> my win98 box, will try tomorrw with win2k box, too.

Thanks for trying to help me, it is much appreciated.  Unfortunately,
your problem seems to be similar to (or the same as) Olaf's.  Your
problem seems to be on the transmit side -- mine seems to be on the
receive side.

My standard test now is to send a multi-part but text/plain message from
my primary 2000 SP1 machines using mutt via ssmtp.  The message arrives
to my ISP's POP server uncorrupted.  If I retrieve it with mutt directly,
then it remains uncorrupted.  If I retrieve it with fetchmail on either
of my two 2000 SP1 machines, then it gets corrupted about 50% - 70%
of the times.  If I retrieve it with fetchmail on either my NT SP5 or
NT SP6a machine, then it remains uncorrupted.

To rule out mutt, I also sent a multi-part message from Netscape.  I got
the same results -- the problem followed fetchmail but only under 2000

To rule out procmail, I replaced procmail with a shell script that just
cats stdin to a file.  I got the same results again.

So my hypothesis is that my problem is a bug in fetchmail or possibly in
Cygwin itself.  Now I just have to roll up my sleeves and find out where.
Hopefully, it is not between the keyboard and the chair...


Jason Tishler
Director, Software Engineering       Phone: 732.264.8770 x235
Dot Hill Systems Corp.               Fax:   732.264.8798
82 Bethany Road, Suite 7             Email:
Hazlet, NJ 07730 USA                 WWW:

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