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From Brent Jensen

I have a large (memory intensive) fortran program that requires knowing the
physical memory resident on the pc it runs on.  I prefer to run the fortran
on cygwin's g77.  Is there an easy way to obtain the physical memory
resident on any given pc from inside g77?  I have thought of using a script
to run the fortran and write physical memory to a file which the fortran can
then read.  However, I don't know how to write total physical memory to a
file in windows 2000 or NT.  I have also thought about converting the
fortran to c, using f2c, distributed in linux.   Others have told me there
are interfaces that can obtain physical memory size in C.  Am I on the right
track or is the some API connection in g77 that can handle this.  Thanks to
anyone that may know more about this.

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